Infertility Artificial Insemination

In the complete pregnancy process, a man’s sperm should travel through the woman’s cervix into the uterus and finally should reach the fallopian tube, where fertilization takes place. But in some situations, the sperm is unable to make such a journey, or a woman’s cervix may restrict the sperm to travel. Under such conditions, the artificial insemination process is done to improve fertility chances and help a woman in conceiving. Usually, this treatment is suggested in two conditions:

  • If a woman under 35 is unable to conceive after six months of unprotected intercourse.
  • If a woman more than 35 years of age is unable to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse.

Types of artificial insemination process

Mainly there are two processes, namely IVI and IUI. IVI can be performed at home, while the patient is supposed to visit the hospital for the IUI fertility treatment in Meerut.

  • Home artificial insemination (IVI)

This process involves the deposition of male sperm into the vagina near the cervix. In this process, the patient is supposed to monitor her menstrual cycle, through a urine-based ovulation predictor kit or body temperature. Once done, the patient needs to lie down on her back with her hips elevated. In such a position, an insemination syringe filled with the partner’s sperm is inserted into the vagina and deposited close to the cervix. The patient can start doing her daily chores after 15-30 minutes.

  • Office artificial insemination (IUI)

This process is also similar to that of IVF, but it is done in a more précised manner. Before inserting the sperm into the body, it is washed to remove proteins that can hamper fertility. This makes the semen more concentrated, which increases the chance of fertilization. Also, the doctor will make use of the speculum to make it easy to access the uterus. This thin tool is inserted into the vagina to place the sperm in the uterus.

The risk associated with artificial insemination

It is normal for a patient to experience some cramping or a little bit of bleeding after the treatment. The risk is less if the process is performed in a well-maintained and hygienic environment. Home insemination has a greater possibility of risk because of the open environment and contamination.

About Meerut IVF

If you are struggling to become a parent, then the artificial insemination process is the way to bring a smile to your face. Contact us, as our team of experts can let you know more about these two procedures and your chance of becoming pregnant. We can suggest you IVF or IUI process as per the situation.